
QPSYCHOLOGY is the result of the fascination with man as a person with his/her needs, desires, personality complexity. Curiosity was aroused by the motives of human actions, not quite conscious, and the unlimited development potential of each person. There was a desire to support people in their struggle with the problems and challenges of everyday life and to assist them so that they can fullfill their potential and to experience happiness. Years devoted to studying the mysteries of the human soul and mind and working with people in different contexts: clinical, organizational, educational or related to everyday life, led to a partial discovery and understanding of who and what man is. They also stenghtened the belief that there are no limits to learning about the human psyche.



We individually approach each client – we verify his/her needs and we adapt the appropriate methods and tools to them.

We are characterized by the complexity of our services – both individual (individuals, parents) and group clients (project teams, organizations) can take advantage of several types of services that contribute to their personal and/or professional development in one place.

We offer services based on both proven methods and the latest discoveries in the field of psychology, which can be used for practical activities and methods known and proven in Western countries but still rarely or never used in Poland.

We focus on both our clients’ and our own self-improvement and continuous development.

We put emphasis on discretion and the observation of ethical principles in every area of business.

The Name

The QPSYCHOLOGY name derives from the English language and refers to the use of psychology achievements as a science, in practice, in the important areas of human activity. The prefix 'Q' comes from a few words, including:


which characterizes all of our services


as we continually ask ourselves and our clients questions and we look for answers


(TO) Query

which is related to our immense curiosity about man as a person and getting to know his/her motivation, experience and strengths


which means the four main areas of services we offer

Agnieszka Bożek


I am a psychologistI identify with this professional role the most. I obtained a PhD in social sciences in the field of psychology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. I specialize in organizational psychology and occupational health psychology. I received extensive education in the field ofoccupational health psychology). Otrzymałam szerokie wykształcenie z zakresu psychological counseling, psychotherapy, training and coaching. The knowledge, skills and professional experience I have acquired are confirmed by, among others: Diploma of Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, ICF Associate Certified Coach accreditation and EuroPsy Certificate issued by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations.

Over the course of several years of professional activity, I have gained experience working in clinical, academic and organizational environments, including international ones. As part of my practical work, I deal with issues of well-being and mental healthI help individuals and employees of organizations in solving their intra- and interpersonal problems, i.e. problems in professional and personal relationships, excessive stress, low mood, anxiety or demotivation. Through training and coaching, I also support people in acquiring and developing their professional and personal competences. I run a private psychological and psychotherapeutic office. As a teacher and researcher, I also cooperate with educational institutions. dydaktyk and badacz współpracuję również z instytucjami edukacyjnymi.


Few words about job crafting

Few words about job crafting

Three weeks ago I participated in the conference organized by Polish Association of Organizational Psychology. It was two days of paper & poster sessions and discussions about organizational behavior, employee well-being,...

Positive Psychological Capital Concept

Positive Psychological Capital Concept

At the beginning of May 2014 I wrote that when it comes to the competitive advantage of every company, what really counts are psychological characteristics of people who form the organization. Fred Luthans ? a management professor...

Work motivation ? if not money, then?

Work motivation ? if not money, then?

As I wrote last time, when it comes to motivation at work, money is effective only in limited range of situations. Daniel Pink ? the author of the Drive - the surprising truth about what motivates us claims that the only way to...


Do you have any questions? Write to us

14 + 6 =


Barska Str. 17
30-307 Kraków


If you have any questions regarding trainings
for organisations, developmental workshops & assessment or
cooperation opportunities please contact:
Phone: 0048 502 399 723


If you are interested in psychological support or coaching please contact:
phone: 0048 662 363 222
e-mail: gabinet@qpsychology.