women coachingLast time I described the most common forms of staff development in the organization. This time, I’ll try to hint, how to put this knowledge into practice. For a start it is worth analyzing the current situation of a particular employee / group of employees, and then choose the appropriate tool for development.
  • If you accept a new employee to work, who must possess specific knowledge and skills to be able to do his or her job effectively, or
  • if you create a project team of already employed people who should know each other better and produce effective ways to work together, or
  • if you note that the effectiveness of your team fell – then it will be recommended to organize appropriate training.
  • If an employee received the necessary training on professional and interpersonal skills, and would like to be more effective at what he or she does, or further plan his or her career path, or
  • if a specialist is promoted to managerial position and needs support in developing leadership competencies – then the best option for him or her is coaching.
  • If an employee is promoted from the junior position to the position of independent specialist and must face new tasks and professional situations – then will be useful to offer him or her mentoring.
  • If an employee has a problem in meeting his or her obligations or must take a new job, with which he haven?t have to deal so far, or
  •  if there was a crisis situation, the manager has to deal with ? he or she might want to take advantage of the counceling.
Finally, I would like to emphasize that regardless of the method of employee development, it is worth investing in such development. Why? Because only employees with adequate competencies, skillfully using the acquired knowledge and skills and capable to deal with difficult situations can contribute to the growth of the organization and to achievement of satisfactory profits. Photo credit: FredericRivollier / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

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