In the search for the right person

In the search for the right person

Now when you know what matters while searching for a new employee its time you took action. To find the right person it is best to connect the recruitment process with an analysis of qualifications of existing people as well as determining the desired traits and...

Warsztat: Emocje i uczucia w życiu rodziny

We współpracy z Meli-Melo Centrum Rozwoju Osobistego Kobiet w Krakowie przygotowaliśmy warsztat Emocje i uczucia w życiu rodziny dotyczący tego, jak rozmawiać z dziećmi o przeżywanych emocjach oraz jak radzić sobie z trudnymi uczuciami. Wszystkich rodziców zapraszamy...
Eligibility or suitability

Eligibility or suitability

As I wrote the last time, if the highest value of your company are people you work with, you should pay due attention to who you employ. So before you prepare a recruitment advertisement, you should answer yourself a few questions. The first and most important of them...
It?s people who form an organization

It?s people who form an organization

By managing your employees you probably have encountered some manifestations of incompetence – someone have missed the deadline, someone else has carried out an order badly, so that the company made a loss, another person were notoriously late at work or during...