positive communicationIn communication with employees it counts not only how often and by what channel you convey information to each other, but most of all how do you do that. In psychology the whole movement associated with positive communication was founded. It mainly focuses on interpersonal communication between partners or parents and children, but it can successfully be transferred into organizations. The word „positive” does not mean that you only talk about nice things, but that the messages are formulated in such a way to express your interest in the interlocutor and your respect for him or her. How to create a positive message? First of all, focus on what you want and not on what you don?t want.  Being positive in this way decreases defensiveness and promotes willingness to do ones job. Example ?Please complete the report before you start other tasks? rather than ?Do not stop writing the report under any circumstances?. Secondly, be specific. Instead of using generalities, refer to specific actions or behaviors. Thanks this you will avoid the problem of being misunderstood or even ignored. It?s better to say ?I would ask you to check every calculation twice before sending it to the client? than ?Be more attentive? or ?In any calculation not a single mistake shall be made?. Thirdly, label your feellings. You can have the conviction that the work is not a place for feelings but action. However, sharing your feelings with a high probability will cause consideration from the other person. Of course, if you are torn by strong emotions, it is better to calm down, and talk afterward. You might say ?I appreciate your efforts in preparing this presentation? or ?I’m disappointed your negligence in preparing offers for our customers?. Lastly, be supportive. Show that you are listening to the other person and try to understand his or her situation. You might use some understanding statements like ?I guess..?, ?I can imagine that??, ?I think I understand..? ?It could be difficult…? etc.   Way you should put effort to do so? Because providing ongoing positive communications in the workplace builds a good atmosphere in the office and can help keep employees motivated to doing their work the best they are able to. Photo credit: Kris Krug / Foter / CC BY-SA

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