By managing your employees you probably have encountered some manifestations of incompetence – someone have missed the deadline, someone else has carried out an order badly, so that the company made a loss, another person were notoriously late at work or during labor went about his or hers private affairs. Sure you were teed off, you could even though „what am I doing with these people?” But did you think once, which is the highest value of your company? Is it accumulated cash capital, technology or patents? Or maybe just the people with whom you work? Researchers and practitioners of management some time ago expressed their opinion on the subject. In the mid-twentieth century the approach that the economic capital of the company makes its competitive advantage has changed. Numerous studies and practice have shown that human capital is the most important. Initially, mainly the knowledge, experience, skills and abilities of employees were appreciated. Then, the role of networks – both business relations and friendships, were found to build the value. Finally, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, thanks to the discoveries of positive psychology, it was found that psychological characteristics of people who form the organization are what counts. Figuratively, this change in thinking presents the figure below:   Untitled-1 Source: Luthans, F., Luthans, K. W., & Luthans, B. C. (2004). Positive psychological capital. Beyond human and social capital. Business Horizons 47/1 January-February 2004 (45-50). What does it mean for you? That if you want your business to be a thriving company, had a good reputation among customers, and that people want to work in it, you should first of all see to who you employ and then to strengthen positive psychological states of your employees. I’ll try to help you with that.

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