The subject of job satisfaction was the focus of researchers for decades, until the early twenty-first century when research on it has been practically ceased*. However, HR practitioners still have many doubts about to what extend job satisfaction is important to achieve high results at work, which factors cause it and how to measure it.** So what should they know?
job satisfaction we think about a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one?s job or job experience. Previous studies have shown that job satisfaction can be
i.a. connected to:*
- employee retention
- customer satisfaction
- employee productivity
- organizational citizenship behavior
- task performance of substantial magnitude
However, we could proof only moderate relation between job satisfaction and performance, which is additionally moderated by many other factors.
It means that we cannot say that satisfied employee will work better, but that other factors should occur to job satisfaction contributed to high performance. Such factors are among others
moral obligation or
positive mood.
If job satisfaction is to some extend important for how well people will work, the question arises, what factors can affect the appearance of such feeling?
One of the most worth noting situational factor is
the nature of the job itself ? namely
amount of challenges at the job,
level of autonomy and
variety. Also
personal disposition matters, although indirectly. This can be explained in this way that certain character traits make a person to experience more emotionally significant, positive work situation, which in turn cause greater job satisfaction. Such disposition may be
core self-evaluation, extraversion and
What practical conclusion managers can draw from the above-mentioned research results? Well, they cannot change personal disposition of their people (no one can). But if managers want they employees were satisfied with their job (and in turn perform better at work), they should do everything to make their work as interesting and challenging as possible.
*Judge, T. A. and Bono, J. E. (2001). The Job Satisfaction-Job Performance Relationship:
A Qualitative and Quantitative Review.
Psychological Bulletin, 127 (3), 376-407
**Saari, L. M. and Judge, T. A. (2004).
Human Resources Management. Winter 2004, 4, 395-407.
***Landy, F. J. and Conte, J. M. (2007).
Work in 21st Century. An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
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