It is possible that you wondered many times what to do that your employees want to work as much as they do not want to. If such a thought passed through your head, it?s high time you change your attitude to motivation. Since motivation is not the single event that you can always call in the same way. It is rather a process that depends on many factors.
To begin with, we distinguish between two main types of motivation due to its source. Extrinsic motivation is related to extrinsic consequences of making a particular activity; satisfaction derived from is more of the material or verbal rewards than the action itself. Intrinsic motivation refers to those situations in which a person makes a particular activity because he or she considers it to be interesting and draws satisfaction from the activity itself. Intrinsically motivated actions are usually spontaneous and done for its own sake. Your role as employer is to strengthen the intrinsic motivation to work always when it?s possible. In other cases, you should learn how to select rewards and ways of giving them to retain their power for mobilizing for further work.
Second, we should remember that what demotivates the employee is not the opposite of what motivates him or her. Already in the 50s of the twentieth century, occupational psychologist Frederick Herzberg pointed out that even if you provide the employee with convenient working hours or increase his or her salary, it doesn?t mean that in such a way you will get a person full of enthusiasm and willing to work hard for the company. In this case other factors are needed, such as:
- real achievements at work,
- recognition from the employer,
- having the responsibility for the tasks performed,
- having opportunities for advancement and personal growth.