Few words about job crafting

Few words about job crafting

Three weeks ago I participated in the conference organized by Polish Association of Organizational Psychology. It was two days of paper & poster sessions and discussions about organizational behavior, employee well-being, entrepreneurship, leadership and employee...
Positive Psychological Capital Concept

Positive Psychological Capital Concept

At the beginning of May 2014 I wrote that when it comes to the competitive advantage of every company, what really counts are psychological characteristics of people who form the organization. Fred Luthans ? a management professor from the University of Nebraska, who...
Work motivation ? if not money, then?

Work motivation ? if not money, then?

As I wrote last time, when it comes to motivation at work, money is effective only in limited range of situations. Daniel Pink ? the author of the Drive – the surprising truth about what motivates us claims that the only way to make people work effectively in...
A few words about motivation to work

A few words about motivation to work

It is possible that you wondered many times what to do that your employees want to work as much as they do not want to. If such a thought passed through your head, it?s high time you change your attitude to motivation. Since motivation is not the single event that you...
Does job satisfaction matter?

Does job satisfaction matter?

The subject of job satisfaction was the focus of researchers for decades, until the early twenty-first century when research on it has been practically ceased*. However, HR practitioners still have many doubts about to what extend job satisfaction is important to...
Well-being at work

Well-being at work

I didn?t realize that it took two and a half months since I last wrote something on the blog. It was an active time for me, during which I was a. o. expanding my knowledge and learning new skills. I will try to share with you what I learned. Today I would like to...