As I wrote the last time, psychometric tests may help you select the right people. On the Polish market, there are several companies that create and / or sell these types of tests designed for business. The most well-known is the Hogan Assessments; more and more broader choice has also the Laboratory of Psychological Tests.
The first organization offer four types of tests:
- Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) ? designed to assess so called bright-side of personality: qualities that describe how people relates to others when they at their best.
- Hogan Development Survey (HDS) ? used to assess so called dark side of personality: qualities that emerge in times of increased strain and can disrupt relationships, damage reputations, and diminish peoples? chances of success.
- Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) ? designed to assess core goals, values, drivers, and interests that determine what a person desires and strives to attain.
- Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HBRI) ? used to assess the reasoning style, what means the ability to evaluate sets of data, make decisions, solve problems, and avoid repeating past mistakes.
These tests are offered in English (no Polish adaptation). They can be applied only by a person who has passed the appropriate certification course.
More information you can find at:
The Laboratory of Psychological Tests offers HR departments the following tests:
- Scale Man at Work (Skala Człowiek w Pracy – CwP) ? used for measurement of locus of control relating to the work.
- Achievement Motivation Inventory (Inwentarz Motywacji Osiągnięć ? LMI) – designed to measure achievement motivation with regard to its various components, such as the preference for difficult tasks, belief in success, focus on the goal, focus on competition, perseverance.
- Intentio Consensio Test (TIC) – designed to measure two global personality traits – willingness to make effort and willingness to cooperate.
- Multidimensional Preferences Questionnaire (Wielowymiarowy Kwestionariusz Preferencji – WKP) – intended to assess preferences for types of activities and interests of working conditions.
Those tests are offered in Polish. Only psychologists or other professionals, who completed the general training of psychometrics and training of a particular test are allowed to carry them out.
For more information you can visit:
All above mentioned test can be used not only in recruitment, but also as an element of employees? development process.
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